The Future of Rowing

As part of our anniversary celebrations we have created an eBook where we interviewed 10 influential people in the world of rowing and asked them what has changed in the last 10 years and what they expect will change in the next 10.

The full list of interviewees:

  • Mike Sweeney The Regatta Chairman
  • Alastair Isherwood The School Rowing Coach
  • Brett Woolfitt The Umpire
  • Bryan Kitch The Rowing Journalist
  • Ed Maxwell The Junior Coach
  • Pat Brownrigg The Boathouse Manager
  • Peter Hodson Mr Coxmate
  • Rebecca Caroe The Rowing Retailer
  • Stuart Wilson The Boat Builder
  • Tonia Williams The Masters Athlete

Click the link below to download your free ebook on the future of rowing:


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